Vision and Manifesto

In an age of the commodification of structural engineering services, we remain steadfast in our belief that good enough is not responsible enough. We believe that each project is entitled to well-thought-out designs, to the kind of attention to detail that minimizes clashes and associated change orders, and to structural drawings that are comprehensive. We believe that a global value-engineering approach is truly more valuable than a localized value-engineering approach. To that end, we take ownership of our responsibilities as Structural Engineers and of the lasting effect our work has on the built environment.

Our firm is our most important and most challenging project. We exhaustively strive to improve our work environment, our capabilities, our knowledge of design and construction, and our ability to effectively serve each client and each project. We believe that promoting continuing individual career growth leads to continuing overall firm growth. We believe that a collective of good people, working diligently to do what’s right, make a significant difference.